  1. Description
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Compatible UI’s
  5. Chat % Replacements
  6. Commands
  7. Binds
  8. UI
  9. Options UI
  10. Zeal pipes in c#
  11. Building
  12. Nameplate Options
  13. In-game Map
24 November 2024

by Salty


Zeal adds quality of life functionality to the legacy (2002) Everquest client used by most TAKP EqEMU players. The Miles Sound System used by that client supports plug-ins for arbitrary audio filtering, and Zeal injects itself into the client like a standard dll by using the .asi extension in the EQ root directory. It can then patch itself into the client’s processing loop and callbacks to add new functionality and smooth out issues in the old client.

Zeal custom code is entirely open source and the releases are built directly from the repo using github actions, providing full transparency on the contents.


  • Camera motion improvements (major improvements to third person view)
  • Additional key binds (tab targeting, strafe, pet)
  • Additional commands (melody, useitem, autoinventory)
  • Additional ui support (new gauges, bag control, looting, spellsets, targetrings, nameplates)
  • Third party tool support (silent log messages, direct ZealPipes)
  • Integrated map (see In-game Map section below)
  • Various bug fixes
  • Unique npc naming for better parsing


The easy way

  1. Download the latest Zeal
    • Scroll down past the list of changes to the Assets section and download the zeal_v#.#.#_*.zip file
    • Ignore the Source code files
  2. Quit Everquest and extract the zip file contents into your EQ game root directory
    • Key required files are the zeal.asi and the uifiles/zeal folder
  3. Recommended: Install a UI skin modified with the extra Zeal UI functionality such as mana gauges, experience per hour, loot all / link buttons, etc.
    • If the UI is not updated, there will be some XML error complaints that can be ignored
    • Check the list below, the Quarm discord #ui-discussion channel, or the Quarm guide link below for compatible UI’s
  4. Test Zeal installation in game by typing “/zeal version” and “/help zeal”.
  5. Configure Zeal using the new Zeal options window and assign new key binds.
    • The Zeal options window opens in parallel to the EQ options window (Alt-o)

If that doesn’t work

Ensure that sound is enabled in the game (the volume level can be set to zero).

  • Check that Sound=TRUE in the eqclient.ini in your root Everquest directory

A comprehensive guide, including troubleshooting, can be found at under “Installing Zeal” or a simplified checklist under “Checklist for Installing Zeal”.

Note that the method Zeal uses to inject itself into the client can trigger the heuristics of anti-virus scanners to label it as malware. See trouble-shooting guide above if your Zeal.asi file keeps disappearing.

Description of zip file contents

  1. A copy of this readme file
  2. Zeal.asi: Executable code that is loaded when EQ sound is enabled
  3. Zeal.pdb: Symbol debug file for the zeal.asi. Developer use only.
  4. uifiles/zeal: Folder with Zeal specific UI modifications (options, new features)
    • The files in uifiles/zeal override uifiles/default and uifiles/<your_skin>
  5. crashes/: Folder with optional crash reporter that will send any captured crash zip logs for review

Compatible UI’s


Chat % Replacements

  • %n or %mana for mana%
  • %h or %hp for hp%
  • %loc for your location
  • %th or %targethp for your targets health %


  • /sortgroup
    • Arguments: ``
    • Example: /sq /sq 1 2
    • Description: sorts your current group members in the ui using /sq 1 2 will swap players 1 and 2 in your group on your ui.
    • /cc
    • Arguments: ``
    • Example: /cc
    • Description: toggles classic classes in who and other areas.
  • /targetring
    • Arguments: size, indicator
    • Example: /targetring 0.25
    • Example: /targetring indicator toggles auto attack indicator.
    • Description: toggles targetring on/off.
  • /resetexp
    • Arguments: ``
    • Example: /resetexp
    • Description: resets the exp per hour calculations.
  • /timer
    • Arguments: int
    • Example: /timer 10
    • Description: holds the last hotbutton pressed down for the duration (decisecond like /pause).
  • /pipedelay
    • Arguments: int
    • Example: /pipedelay 500
    • Description: changes the delay between each loop of labels/gauges being sent out over the named pipe.
  • /pipe
    • Arguments: string
    • Example: /pipe set a respawn timer for 30 seconds
    • Description: outputs a string through the named pipe.
  • /ttimer
    • Arguments: int
    • Example: /ttimer 500
    • Description: change the delay in which a tooltip pops up on mouse hover.
  • /inspect target
    • Description: adds target argument to /inspect, this just inspects your current target.
  • /loc noprint
    • Description: adds noprint argument to /loc, this just sends loc directly to your log.
  • /reloadskin
    • Description: reloads your current skin using ini.
  • /fov
    • Arguments: int
    • Example: /fov 65
    • Description: changes your field of view with a value between 45 and 90.
  • /lead
    • Arguments: none, open (reports raid groups with open slots), all (lists all raid groups)
    • Description: prints out your current group leader (and raid leader if in raid).
  • /melody
    • Arguments: song gem #'s (maximum of 5)
    • Aliases: /mel
    • Example: /melody 1 4 2 3
    • Description: plays songs in order until interrupted in any fashion.
  • /map
    • Arguments: on, off, size, alignment, marker, background, zoom, poi, labels, level
    • Example: See In-game map section below
    • Description: controls map enable, size, labels, zoom, and markers
  • /pandelay
    • Arguments: ms delay, none
    • Example: /pandelay 200
    • Description: changes the amount of delay before left click panning will start to happen
  • /hidecorpse
    • Arguments: looted, none
    • Aliases: /hideco, /hidec, /hc
    • Example: /hidecorpse looted
    • Description: looted Hides a corpse after you have looted it., none reveals all hidden corpses
  • /spellset
    • Arguments: save, load, delete
    • Example: /spellset save buffs
    • Example: /spellset load buffs
    • Example: /spellset delete buffs
    • Description: allows you to save and load spellsets
  • /showhelm
    • Aliases: /helm
    • Arguments: on, off
    • Example: /showhelm on
    • Description: Toggles your helmet.
  • /showlootlockouts
    • Aliases: /showlootlockout, /showlockout, /sll
    • Description: Shows you your current loot lockouts on Quarm.
  • /zealcam
    • Aliases: /smoothing
    • Arguments: x y 3rdperson_x 3rdperson_y
    • Example: /zealcam 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 if 3rd person arguments are not supplied, the first x and y are applied to both
    • Description: Toggles Zeal’s mouse look smoothing methods, the first 2 arguments are first person sensitivity, and the last 2 are for 3rd person
  • /autoinventory
    • Aliases: /autoinv, /ai
    • Description: Drops whatever is on your cursor into your inventory.
  • /autobank
    • Aliases: /autoba, /ab
    • Description: Drops whatever is on your cursor into your bank. [requires you to be at a banker] (not fully functional atm)
  • /corpsedrag
    • Aliases: /drag
    • Arguments: none, nearest (auto-targets nearest corpse for dragging)
    • Description: Attempts to corpse drag your current target. Use /corpsedrag nearest to auto-target.
  • /corpsedrop
    • Aliases: /drop
    • Arguments: none, all (drops all corpses)
    • Description: Stop dragging your currently targeted corpse. To drop all use /corpsedrop all.
  • /target
    • Aliases: /cleartarget
    • Description: acts as normal /target unless you provide no argument in which case it will clear your target.
  • /sit
    • Description: The /sit command now accepts “on” as an argument. Using “/sit on” will always make you sit, even if you are currently sitting. This matches the game’s native “/sit off” which always makes you stand even if you are currently standing. The “/sit” command will continue to toggle sit/stand state if no argument is provided or if the argument provided is not on or off. Additionally, “/sit down” now works as well and will always make you sit, even if already sitting.
  • /camp
    • Description: Auto sits before camping.
  • /zeal
    • Arguments: version
    • Description: Shows the version of zeal.
  • /zealinput
    • Description: toggles the zeal input setup for any input in game, giving you a more modern input (ctrl+c, ctrl+v, left, right, shift left+right for highlighting, home, end ect).
  • /help zeal
    • Description: Shows the custom Zeal commands.
  • /timestamp
    • Aliases: /tms
    • Description: Shows message timestamps.
  • /outputfile
    • Aliases: /output, /out
    • Arguments: inventory | spellbook [optional_name]
    • Example: /outputfile inventory my_inventory
    • Description:
      • inventory outputs information about your equipment, inventory bag slots, held item, and bank slots to a file.
      • spellbook outputs a list of all spell ids current scribed in your spellbook.
  • /buffs
    • Description: Outputs the players buff timers to the chat only if they are using OldUI.
  • /bluecon
    • Description: Changes the blue con color to Zeal Color Button #15 which is in the Zeal Options window, Colors Tab.
  • /alarm
    • Arguments: oldui
    • Description: Re-opens the alarm window, if oldui is specified it allows for an alarm on it.
  • /nameplatecolors
    • Description: toggles nameplate colors for players
  • /nameplateconcolors
    • Description: toggles nameplate con colors for npcs
  • /nameplatehideself
    • Description: toggles nameplate for self (on/off)
  • /nameplatex
    • Description: toggles nameplate for self as X (on/off)
  • /nameplatehideraidpets
    • Description: toggles nameplate for raid pets and your pet (on/off)
  • /nameplatecharselect
    • Description: toggles nameplate choices shown at character selection screen on and off (on/off)
  • /nameplatetargetcolor
    • Description: toggles target nameplate color on and off (on/off)
  • /nameplatetargetmarker
    • Description: toggles target nameplate marker on and off (on/off)
  • /nameplatetargethealth
    • Description: toggles target nameplate health on and off (on/off) ___


  • Cycle through nearest NPCs
  • Cycle through nearest PCs
  • Strafe Right
  • Strafe Left
  • Auto Inventory
  • Toggle last 2 targets
  • Reply target
  • Pet Attack
  • Pet Guard
  • Pet Follow
  • Pet Back
  • Slow turn left
  • Slow turn right
  • Target nearest pc corpse
  • Target nearest npc corpse
  • Toggle map on/off
  • Toggle through map default zooms
  • Toggle through map backgrounds
  • Toggle through map label modes
  • Toggle up or down through visible map levels
  • Toggle map visibility of raid members and member names
  • Toggle map visibility of grid lines
  • Toggle map interactive mode (internal overlay)
  • Press to display group and raid member labels
  • Toggle nameplate colors for players on/off
  • Toggle nameplate con colors for npcs on/off
  • Toggle nameplate for self on/off
  • Toggle nameplate for self as X on/off
  • Toggle nameplate for raid pets and your pet on/off
  • Toggle nameplate choices that are shown at character selection screen on and off
  • Toggle target nameplate color on and off
  • Toggle target nameplate marker on and off
  • Toggle target nameplate health on and off ___


  • Gauge EqType’s
    • 23 EXP Per Hour
  • Label EqType’s
    • 80 Mana/Max Mana
    • 81 Exp Per Hour Percentage
    • 124 Current Mana
    • 125 Max Mana
    • 134 Spell being casted
  • LootAllButton
  • LinkAllButton

Options UI

  • ScreenID Checkboxes
    • Zeal_ShowHelm
    • Zeal_HideCorpse
    • Zeal_Cam
    • Zeal_BlueCon
    • Zeal_Timestamp
    • Zeal_Input
    • Zeal_Escape_
  • ScreenID Sliders
    • Zeal_PanDelaySlider
    • Zeal_FirstPersonSlider_X
    • Zeal_FirstPersonSlider_Y
    • Zeal_ThirdPersonSlider_X
    • Zeal_ThirdPersonSlider_Y
  • ScreenID Labels
    • Zeal_ThirdPersonLabel_X
    • Zeal_ThirdPersonLabel_Y
    • Zeal_FirstPersonLabel_X
    • Zeal_FirstPersonLabel_Y
    • Zeal_PanDelayLabel ___

Zeal pipes in c#



Github official release builds

  1. Commit an updated, unique ZEAL_VERSION in Zeal/Zeal.h that will be used as the release tag.
  2. Go to the “Actions” tab of the Github workspace
  3. Select the “Create Manual Release” workflow on the left
  4. Click the drop-down menu on the right top side titled “Run workflow”
  5. Select the branch with the commit to be released
  6. Add a summary description that will be prepended to the change log notes
  7. Click the green “Run workflow” button
  8. After the green checkmark appears, go back to the main workspace and verify the content of the new release tag.

Local builds

Build in Release x86 (32bit) mode using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (free Community edition works)

Nameplate Options

Setup and configuration

Zeal 5.0 and later includes options for players to adjust Player Nameplates and NPC Nameplates in game. In addition, Skeletons now show a Nameplate. (Client Skeleton Nameplate Bug Fix) Necromancers will now have an easier time finding their corpses.

The nameplate is controlled through three interfaces:

  • Dedicated Zeal options window tab (requires zeal\uifiles, see Installation notes above)
  • Key binds for nameplate options (configure in EQ Options->Keyboard->Target)
  • The five /nameplate commands listed below

Enabling Disabling Nameplate Options

  • The /nameplatecolors command - Toggles Nameplate Colors for Players on and off
  • The /nameplateconcolors command - Toggles Nameplate Con Colors for NPCs on and off
  • The /nameplatehideself command - Toggles Player Nameplate on and off
  • The /nameplatex command - Toggles Player Nameplate as X on and off
  • The /nameplatehideraidpets command - Toggles NPC Raid Pets Nameplate on and off
  • The /nameplatecharselect command - Toggles Nameplate Choices Shown at Character Selection Screen on and off
  • The /nameplatetargetcolor command - Toggles Target Nameplate Color on and off
  • The /nameplatetargetmarker command - Toggles Target Nameplate Marker on and off
  • The /nameplatetargethealth command - Toggles Target Nameplate Health on and off

Changing the Color of Nameplates

Zeal allows players to change the colors of the Nameplates of Players and NPCs in game. The Color Selector is available in the Zeal Colors Tab of the Zeal Options menu. The following 19 Nameplate Colors can be changed to custom colors.

  • AFK, LFG, LD, MyGuild, Raid, Group, PVP, Roleplay, OtherGuilds, DefaultAdventurer
  • NPC Corpse, Player Corpse, GreenCon, LightBlueCon, BlueCon, WhiteCon, YellowCon, RedCon, Target Color

Default Colors of Nameplates when using Nameplate Colors system

  • 1 - AFK - Orange
  • 2 - LFG - Yellow
  • 3 - LD - Red
  • 4 - MyGuild - White Red
  • 5 - Raid - White Light Purple
  • 6 - Group - Light Green
  • 7 - PVP - Red
  • 8 - Roleplay - Purple
  • 9 - OtherGuilds - White Yellow
  • 10 - DefaultAdventurer - Default Blue
  • 11 - Npc Corpse - Black
  • 12 - Players Corpse - White Light Purple
  • 13 - Green Con NPCs - CON_GREEN
  • 14 - LightBlue Con NPCs - CON_LIGHTBLUE
  • 15 - Blue Con NPCs - Default DarkBlue is lighter than CON_BLUE
  • 16 - White Con NPCs - CON_WHITE
  • 17 - Yellow Con NPCs - CON_YELLOW
  • 18 - Red Con NPCs - CON_RED
  • 19 - Target Color - Default Pink

In-game Map

Map data source

The map data was sourced from Brewall’s maps: with minimal modifications (see in zone_map_src). As a result there are some out of era points of interest.

Setup and configuration

Zeal 4.0 and later includes an integrated in-game map that contains the map data for all zones through Planes of Power. The map is drawn into the game’s DirectX viewport as part of the rendering sequence and is by default not ‘clickable’ (see interactive mode below).

The map is controlled through three interfaces:

  • Dedicated Zeal options window tab (requires zeal\uifiles, see Installation notes above)
  • Key binds for frequent map actions (configure in EQ Options->Keyboard->UI)
  • The /map command

The default map settings are stored in the EQClient.ini file of the root Everquest directory. The defaults are updated when adjusting settings in the Zeal options map tab. The key binds and /map commands create temporary changes unless the /map save_ini command is used.

It is recommended to use the Options tab to adjust the basic map settings to the preferred defaults (size, position, background, marker sizes) and then use the keybinds for more frequent map adjustments (on/off, toggle zoom, toggle backgrounds, toggle labels, toggle visible levels). The /map commands include extra options like poi search.

Enabling the map

  • Zeal options checkbox
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map” - Toggles map on and off (recommend ‘m’)
  • Command examples:
    • /map - Toggles map on and off
    • /map on - Turns map on
    • /map off - Turns map off

Map size, position, and alignment

The map is drawn to fit within a rectangular viewport defined by a top left corner, a height, and a width specified as a percentage of the game window dimensions. The map viewport is relative to the game window and independent of the game /viewport, so the map can be placed anywhere in the game window.

The easiest method for adjusting the map size is through the Zeal Map options tab sliders, but convenient toggling between map sizes (say small to large) is possible by setting up macros with /map size commands.

The zones have different aspect ratios, so some zones will scale to fill the height and others the width. The map alignment setting (top left, top center, top right) controls where the map is drawn when it is height constrained.

  • Zeal options sliders for top, left, height, and width and a combobox for alignment
  • Command examples:
    • /map size 2 3 50 60 map window top=2% left=3% height=50% width=60% of game window dimensions
    • /map alignment center aligns the aspect ratio constrained map to the top center of the viewport

Map background

The map supports four different options for the map background for contrast enhancement: clear (0), dark (1), light (2), or tan (3). Additionally, it supports alpha transparency.

  • Zeal options combo box for map background and slider for setting alpha as a percent
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Background” - toggles through the four settings
  • Command examples:
    • /map background 1 sets the background to dark with no change to alpha
    • /map background 2 40 sets the background to light with 40% alpha

External map window

The map has simple support for opening an external window outside of the EQ client window. This window can be dragged with the title bar and positioned as desired, but it is only resizable using the height and width Zeal map options sliders. The top and left sliders are ignored in external window mode. See interactive mode for mouse inputs. The map content is controlled with the normal map key binds. Also note that if external window mode is set in options, the map will not automatically open when the game starts. Use the map enable to open and close the window (recommend using the keybind ‘m’).

  • Zeal options checkbox
  • Command examples:
    • /map external - Toggles map between internal overlay and external window
    • /map save_ini - Required to make the external map window position persistent

If the map content looks pixelated, the monitor may be set to a DPI scaling greater than 100%. Note that the EQ application itself does not properly handle this. To workaround, set the Windows override to tell the OS that the application will handle scaling:

  • Right click on eqgame.exe:
    • Properties -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings -> High DPI scaling override -> By application

Map zoom

The default 100% map scale makes the entire zone visible sized to the height or width constraint. In zoom, the map draws all available data that fits within the rectangular viewport. The zoom algorithm works to maximize the visible map closest to the player. Map edges will be pinned to a viewport edge until the user moves at least half the viewport away, and then the map background will scroll with the player centered in the viewport.

  • Zeal options slider
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Zoom” - toggles through 100%, 200%, 400%, 800% zoom
  • Command examples:
    • /map zoom 200 sets map scaling to 200% (2x)

Interactive mode

The map supports drag panning and mouse wheel zoom in interactive mode. Interactive mode is always enabled in external window mode, while a keybind toggle is used to toggle the internal overlay map in and out of interactive mode. When not in interactive mode, the internal overlay map is transparent to the mouse. When interactive mode is enabled, the map can be panned using a left mouse button drag and zoomed using the scroll wheel. Once panning starts, auto-center is disabled until a right mouse button click. The external window also supports a middle mouse button click to drop markers.

  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Interactive Mode” - toggles internal overlay between transparent and interactive

Show zone mode

Zone maps other than the player’s current location can be explored using the show_zone command. The target zone is specified using the zone’s short name (like /who all). Interactive mode, levels, grid, labels, and poi search all work for the selected zone.

  • Command examples
    • /map show_zone gukbottom shows the zone map for the Ruins of Old Guk
    • /map show_zone exits show_zone mode

Map grid

A simple background grid aligned at a selectable pitch is available. The x == 0 and y == 0 axes are colored orange.

  • Zeal options checkbox (enable) and slider (pitch)
  • Command examples:
    • /map grid toggles grid on and off
    • /map grid 500 sets the grid pitch to 500 loc units (lines at multiples of 500)

Map ring

A simple distance ring around the current position is available. The distance can be auto-set based on the tracking skill for rangers, druids, and bards, so they can simply toggle the ring on and off with /map ring.

  • Command examples:
    • /map ring if visible or a non-tracker, turns ring off
    • /map ring if not visible, sets the ring at max tracking distance per skill level
    • /map ring 500 sets the ring around the player at a distance of 500 (all classes)

Showing group and raid members

The map supports showing the live position of other group and raid members. The group member markers are slighly shrunken player position markers and colored in this order relative to their group listing: red, orange, green, blue, purple. The raid member markers are simple fixed triangles with varying color. Since there are a high number of potential raid members, it is recommended to not use the persistent Show Raid checkbox in the options tab and instead use the key bind to situationally toggle it on and off.

  • Zeal options combobox to select group members mode (off, marker, numbers, names)
  • Zeal checkbox to enable raid member visibility
  • Zeal slider to adjust name length
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Show Raid” - Toggles visibility of raid members
  • Key bind: “Flash Map Member Names” - Toggles (previously flashed) names of group and raid members
  • Command examples:
    • /map show_group toggles the group member markers on and off
    • /map show_group labels_off disables group member labels
    • /map show_group numbers enables numeric (F2-F6) group member labels (uses nameplate colors)
    • /map show_group names enables shortened group member names (uses nameplate colors)
    • /map show_group length 8 sets the shortened length of group and raid member names to 8
    • /map show_raid toggles the raid member markers on and off

Showing map levels

The map supports showing different levels based on the Brewall map color standards. Not all of the zones are properly colored, but it does work well in some of the 3-D overlapping zones. It also supports a simplified auto z-level mode that shows map data within a z-level range of the player as fully opaque and further data at a faded alpha transparency level. The auto-mode is selectable using the toggle map level keybinds (see below).

  • Zeal slider to adjust the faded z-level alpha transparency value
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Level Up”, “Toggle Map Level Down” - toggles up or down the visible level
    • The default index of 0 shows all levels and -1 = auto z-level.
  • Command examples:
    • /map level shows the current zone’s map data level info
    • /map level 0 shows default of all levels
    • /map level 2 shows the current zone’s level 2 data

Position markers

The map supports adding position markers for easier identification of target coordinates. The markers have a label centered above them, with the default set to the marker loc values. There is no set limit to the number of markers. See how to clear them below.

  • Zeal options slider to adjust the marker size
  • Command examples:
    • /map marker 1100 -500 adds a map marker at /loc of 1100, -500 labeled “(1100, -500)”
    • /map 1100 -500 is a shortcut for the command above to set a marker at 1100, -500
    • /map marker -300 200 camp adds a map marker at /loc of -300, 200 labeled “camp”
    • /map marker clears all markers
    • /map 0 is a shortcut for clearing all markers
    • /map marker size 40 sets the marker size to “40%”

Map font

The map supports selecting a “spritefont” formatted bitmap font file. A few sizes of arial font are included with Zeal and are located in uifiles/zeal/fonts. See the zeal/bitmap_font.cpp file for notes on how to generate new fonts. The default font is embedded in the code and can be selected with the font name default.

  • Zeal options combobox to select from available fonts
  • Command examples:
    • /map font arial_10 changes the current map font to Arial size 10

The map supports listing the available points of interest and adding them as labels to the map. Note that some maps have many points of interest, so the all setting for the labels can clutter up the map even in zoom. The keybind to toggle through the label modes is recommended.

  • Zeal options combobox for setting the labels mode (off, summary, all)
  • Key bind: “Toggle Map Labels” - toggles through the labels modes
  • Command examples:
    • /map poi lists the available poi’s, including their indices
    • /map poi 4 adds a marker on index [4] of the /map poi list
    • /map poi butcherblock performs a text search of the poi list for butcherblock, reports any matches, and adds a marker on the first one
    • /map butcherblock shortcut for above (does not work for terms that match other commands)
    • /map labels summary enables the summary labels (other options are off, all, or marker)

Map data source

The map has simple support for external map data files. The map data_mode can be set to internal, both, or external. In both, the internal maps are combined with any available data from an external file for that zone. In external, the internal map data for the zone is ignored if external file data exists for that zone. In all cases internal data is used if external data is not present.

Note that some features, such as level recognition, are not currently supported with external data.

The external map files must be placed in a map_files directory in the root everquest directory with zones named to match their short names (ie map_files/commons.txt contains the data for West Commonlands). An optional, _1.txt file (ie map_files/commons_1.txt) will also be parsed if present, so Brewall map files with POIs can be directly dropped in.

The external map support requires a format compatible with Brewall map data.

L x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, red, green, blue
P x, y, z, red, green, blue, ignored, label_string
  • Zeal options combobox to set data mode
  • Command examples:
    • /map data_mode both adds external zone map file data if present to internal maps
    • /map data_mode external uses external zone map files if present to replace internal maps