  1. About Quarm.Guide

About Quarm.Guide

Iā€™ve been trying to figure out where I fit within the big picture that is Project Quarm. I was discussing this with Talodar, reflecting on how we used to explain to people why a site like Quarm.Guide should not be made. He explained, ā€œA site like yours shouldnā€™t have to exist, but itā€™s an immense help to many, many people.ā€ This is what drove me to create the site. I saw something people needed, and I wanted to help. What I never stopped to consider was how I felt about all of it.

Iā€™ve been doing a lot of self-reflection in 2024, working on building my self-confidence to keep moving forward each day. People share kind words about Quarm.Guide, and sometimes it makes me feel good, while other times, Iā€™m a little indifferent. It wasnā€™t until Secrets thanked me that I truly felt pride and shed an emotional tear. This is why I rolled a cleric, isnā€™t it? I want to help people who need it, and I want those good traits and habits to carry over into the rest of my life. When something I do helps not just one person but many, that is when I truly feel passionate.

Talodar joked with me about once considering a mass generation of wiki pages for everything in Quarm but being uninterested in managing a wiki site. I replied that I lay in bed at night fantasizing about things like that. That started as a joke until I actually couldnā€™t sleep last night. Sometimes, you need someone else to help you see the big picture. Iā€™ve spent my whole life feeling lost, never really understanding what I enjoy or why. When that conversation happened, I knew for sure that I enjoyed what Iā€™ve done so far.

Working for a small company, you wear a lot of ā€˜hatsā€™. Tech writing is one skill that Iā€™ve had to not only perform but hone over time. Looking back, those were always enjoyable times for me. Just about the whole process, too, from taking pictures of steps, formatting paragraphs and bullet points, structuring each page and each sentence so it reads well and is easy to understand. I even enjoy the styling parts of the process. This must be why Iā€™m the only one who doesnā€™t hate CSS. The only problem I ever really had was being unsure if what I wrote was accurate and having developers that wouldnā€™t review documentation. When someone eventually reads what you created and says, ā€œI have no further questions,ā€ that feels so good.

Writing feels like a dream to me, no, more like a fantasy. Maybe with different guidance, my life would have ended up differently. I donā€™t know of any certifications for tech writing, and my brain canā€™t fathom ever being paid to write technical documentation full-time for a company. I donā€™t have a giant portfolio. Until today, I didnā€™t really know how to go about showing someone Iā€™m passionate about it because I hadnā€™t accepted that I am. As this page of text shows, though, I canā€™t help but be wordy, and my life feels enriched when I can help people in this way. Iā€™m just always worried if my words arenā€™t accurate I could steer someone down the wrong path, and I take that responsibility seriously.

So maybe that is the path I take Quarm.Guide on. Donā€™t worry about what others are creating; just find your passion and put it in writing. Do what you can be confident with and be proud of. I know I want to keep this going and find new ways of helping this community. As long as someone is willing to read it, Iā€™ll keep writing it.

Quarm.Guide is not endorsed or affiliated in any way with Project Quarm, Everquest, or Daybreak Games in any way. Please submit suggestions/help/feedback to me via DM on X or Discord. Feel free to ask Xanax/Xantagonist <Former Glory> any questions, anywhere you find me in game!