  1. Cleric Epic Guide
  2. Orb of Frozen Water
  3. Orb of Clear Water
  4. Orb of Vapor (Classic)
  5. Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh

Cleric Epic Guide


This guide was created using Kingdom Cleric Epic’s Guide which is based on

Orb of Frozen Water

  1. Loot Lord Bergurgle’s Crown from Lord Bergurgle in Lake Rathetear.

Step 1 is possible to be skipped. The Lord Bergurgle’s Crown is only for spawn of Natasha in Rathe Lake. If somebody else doing this step and is spawning Natasha, you can turn in your quest item to Natasha at the same time. Natasha will remain for about 5 minutes with or without turning anything.

Lord Bergurgle can be found at the X underwater. He’s located on the top floor of the tower. The placeholder is on 29 minute respawn timer. He can also get healed by the goblins around him. It’s recommended to bring a high level pet class to solo this. The other 2 guards are on a 6 minute 40 second respawn timer.

Lord Bergurgle

  1. Give Crown to Shmendrik Lavawalker in Lake Rathetear to spawn Natasha Whitewater nearby - receive Oil of Fennin Ro.

See the comments of Step 1. Warning: Natasha will immediately attack Shmendrik or Spirit of Flame when she spawns and if she makes the last hit to Spirit of Flame, the corpse will disappear. At this step, you need to Root/CC Natasha first. After you have looted the Damaged crown, memory blur Natasha and then turn in.

  1. Kill Shmendrik Lavawalker to spawn A Spirit of Flame.

Shmendrik is on 3 hours respawn. This is an easier camp than Lord Bergurgle which can easily take you more time. No matter whether you turn in your Lord Bergurgle’s Crown to him or not, after you slay him, the Spirit of Flame will spawn. Shmendrik spawns at the X below:


  1. Loot Damaged Goblin Crown from A Spirit of Flame (Do not let Natasha Whitewater get the last hit or the corpse will disappear).
  2. Give Damaged Goblin Crown to Natasha Whitewater - receive Ornate Sea Shell.

As described in Step 1, multiple people can turn in their Damaged crown at same time. If you have Lord Burgurgle’s crown and are going to Spawn Natasha, maybe you could @Clerics in discord, so you can possibly save some other person’s time.

  1. Give Ornate Sea Shell to Omat Vastsea in Timorous Deep – receive Coral Statue of Tarew.

  2. Give the Coral Statue of Tarew to a Seeker in The Temple of Solusek Ro causing them to become A Plasmatic Priest.

There are several seekers present in the Temple of Ro, but only one is the correct one for the cleric epic quest. The correct seeker for the cleric 1.0 is a human male seeker located in a small throne room on the second floor; the throne room is next to #15 noted on the 2nd floor map of the Temple of Ro. The 1.0 seeker spawns to the left of the dais at 9 A.M. game time, replacing a keeper, and despawns at 8 P.M game time, being replaced by a keeper again. When the Coral Statue of Tarew Marr is turned in to this seeker he will attack. Fight him in the hallway to avoid unwanted adds. Once killed he will respawn again within several minutes if it’s still daytime.

  1. Kill A Plasmatic Priest in The Temple of Solusek Ro and loot Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe.

A target for the Cleric Epic Quest spawned by giving a specific a seeker (330, 40, 30) a Coral Statue of Tarew. He is KOS to everybody and will immediately attack. Casts Complete Heal, Reckoning, Annul Magic, and Word Divine which is a PBAE that can affect mobs around the priest causing them to attack him which could result in the quest being failed, and so he is often fought away from mobs usually at the zoneline. He does not have particularly impressive resists, but he does summon. This fight is easy with a small group of 60s. Will despawn if not engaged within 10 minutes.

Note: Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe is tradeable, so you can bring your alt (pet class) to do the steps above and transfer the robe to your cleric after this step.

  1. Give the Robe to Omat Vastsea –- receive Orb of Frozen Water (This spawns Natasha inside the hut, It is suggested you wait to turn in until you have Lord Gimblox’s Signet Ring).

You can find Omat and Natasha here. Ohmat is outside the hut, Natasha is inside. There are 2 underwater tunnels in the way, bring your Enduring Breath and Levitation equipment.


Orb of Clear Water

  1. Loot Lord Gimblox’s Signet Ring from Lord Gimblox in Solusek’s Eye.

You can find Lord Gimblox here:

Lord Gimblox

  1. Give Lord Gimblox’s Signet Ring to Natasha Whitewater in Timorous Deep - receive Ornate Sea Shell(no 2).

To Spawn this Natasha in Timorous Deep, you need turn in your Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe to Ohmat usually, but it’s not mandatory. It’s possible to do the turn in to a Natasha spawned by someone else(what ever the steps others are on, just need to be in the Timorous Deep). But keep this in mind, the turn in of Signet Ring at this step WILL DESPAWN Natasha. So if you are piggy backing on other clerics, please hold your ring tightly and double check if the other cleric has done their turn ins already. Only do this last because this will make Natasha despawn.

  1. Give Ornate Sea Shell(no 2) to Naxot Deepwater in Burning Woods - receive Message to Natasha (This spawns Ixiblat Fer).

Naxot can be found at X below and the wiki says it will despawn when you turn in the Sea Shell. However this is not true. (We) did kill a row of Ixiblat of 2 or 3 last time. The trick is to root or cc Naxot when Ixiblat spawns to prevent him from attacking Ixiblat. Then Naxot wont die to it. We can then do another turn in after one Ixiblat dies.

Naxot Deepwater

  1. Loot Sceptre of Ixiblat Fer from Ixiblat Fer in Burning Woods.

Ixiblat can be found at X below. He hits very hard (quad 600ish) and has some fire AOE, but can be snared and slowed. You will need help from your guild and coordinate with raid leaders ahead of time. 3 groups with a few clerics are enough for this.

Ixiblat Fer

  1. Loot Singed Scroll from Overking Bathezid in Chardok.

  2. Give Sceptre of Ixiblat Fer and Singed Scroll to Omat Vastsea - receive Orb of Clear Water (This spawns Natasha inside the hut).

Orb of Vapor (Classic)

  1. Give Message to Natasha (Received when spawning Ixiblat Fer) to Natasha Whitewater in Timorous Deep - receive Shimmering Pearl.*

Doing this turn in WILL NOT despawn Natasha. So you can piggy back on other cleric who’s doing the Sceptre and Scroll turn in or the robe turn in. This Natasha will despawn after about 5 minutes (need confirmation and update).

  1. Go to Nagafen’s Lair (SolB) and find Zordak Ragefire. He is located back in the fire giant area on a ledge underneath a large banner . Give him Shimmering Pearl to receive Zordak’s Box of Bindings and Swirling Pearl. Zordak Ragefire is currently a 24 hour respawn.

  2. Go to Skyfire Mountains and farm 4x Pearlescent Fragment from random trash mobs. This can take a while so be patient. Once you have all 4, combine them in Zordak’s Box of Bindings to create An Assembled Pearlescent Shard.

  3. Give An Assembled Pearlescent Shard to Warder Cecilia, who is on Northeast side of Skyfire Mountains. She will give you Pearlescent Seal in return and also spawn Zordak Ragefire (human) who needs to be killed. Upon Zordak Ragefire’s death, the dragon Zordakalicus Ragefire will spawn. Kill him and loot Impure Heart of Zordak Ragefire (2 slot container).

  4. Use the Impure Heart of Zordak Ragefire container and combine Pearlescent Seal (from Warden Cecilia in Skyfire Mountains) with Swirling Pearl (from Zordak Ragefire) to create Zordak Ragefire’s Heart.

Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh

  1. Go back to Timorous Deep for a final time. Give Zordak Ragefire’s Heart to Omat Vastsea to receive Orb of Vapor. This turn-in also spawns NPC Jhassad Oceanson on the beach (-11959.0, -1781.0).

  2. Give Orbs (Clear Water / Frozen Water / Vapor) to Jhassad Oceanson in Timorous Deep – receive Orb of Triumvirate (This spawns the Avatar of Water in the lake).

  3. Give Orb of Triumvirate to Avatar of Water - receive Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh.

Water Sprinkler