Rogue Epic - Ragebringer

Pre-Farmable Items:

Stained Parchment Top
Stained Parchment Bottom
Book of Souls
2 x Bottle of Milk
Step 6 - 4 Robes
Step 8 - 4 Weapons

Stained Parchment Top

You will need some pick pocketing skill. 190 confirmed working.

Head to North Kaladim and pickpocket the dwarven Rogue Guildmaster Founy Jestands until you receive Stained Parchment Top. He will not always have it on him so your strategy here is going to be to pickpocket him until you get roughly 20 fails in a row (assuming your skill is high). Usually you’ll get platinum/gold and some other miscellaneous items. Once you think he has no more items on him, come back an hour or two later and repeat the process until you get Stained Parchment Top.

If he aggros on you, just zone over into South Kaladim. He despawns around 7PM and respawns around 9PM in-game time. Also, if you are an evil race, it’s helpful to have an illusion mask for a good race so you aren’t KoS. 25% chance of having the item.

North-Kaladim-Map.jpg Founy-Jestands.jpg

Stained Parchment Bottom

You will need some pick pocketing skill. 190 confirmed working.

The same strategy applies here. Pickpocket Tani N’Mar in Neriak Third Gate until you feel he has nothing left, then come back an hour or two later and repeat the process until you get Stained Parchment Bottom.

If he aggros be ready for a long run back to the zone in. It is recommended to stand on the steps behind him while pick pocketing. He despawns around 7PM and respawns around 9PM in-game time. Having a Dark Elf illusion mask is beneficial here as well if you are KoS to Dark Elves. 35% chance of having the item.

Neriak-Third-Gate.jpg Tani-NMar.jpg

Book of Souls

Book of Souls can be found in Plane of Hate. It is a ground spawn at (-58.0, 325.0) on top of a dresser. Roughly 5 minute re-spawn. You can sneak/hide to it. It is in the upstairs area of the Maestro castle - entrance to castle is at (101.0, 57.0). Walk in, turn right, and take the ramp up to the second level.

Plane-of-Hate-Map.jpg Plane-of-Hate-Book-of-Souls.jpg

2 x Bottle of Milk

Buy 2 x Bottle of Milk from a Baking Vendor. Don’t drink them!

The Quest

Step 1

Script Page

Now we can begin the quest. Head to Highpass Hold and speak to Anson McBale located at (325.0, 5.0). He is in a hidden area of the zone that is only accessible by an underwater tunnel.

Say I need to see Stanos to Anson McBale (must have Amiable or better faction with Highpass Guards) to spawn Stanos Herkanor. Give Stanos Herkanor Stained Parchment Top and Stained Parchment Bottom to receive Combined Parchment.

Anson-McBale-Loc.jpg Stanos.jpg Anson-McBale.jpg

Step 2

Script Page

Head to Lake Rathetear and find Eldreth (2623.0, -550.0). Give him Combined Parchment, 2x Bottle of Milk, and 100pp to receive Scribbled Parchment.

Lake-Rathetear-Map-Rogue-1.0.jpg Eldreth.jpg

Step 3

Script Page

  1. Head to Steamfont Mountains and find Yendar Starpyre - he roams a bit, check along the blue line on his page.

  2. Give Yendar Starpyre the Scribbled Parchment to receive Tattered Parchment.

  3. Next give Yendar Starpyre the Book of Souls along with the Tattered Parchment you just got. This depawns Yendar Starpyre and spawns Renux Herkanor. Kill her (bring some friends). Loot Translated Parchment.

Renux has a 100% chance to drop the Jagged Diamond Dagger used in Step 8.

Yendar-Starpyre.jpg Renux-Herkanor.jpg

Step 4

Script Page

Head back to Highpass Hold and give Translated Parchment to Stanos Herkanor to receive Sealed Box.

Anson-McBale-Loc.jpg Stanos.jpg

Step 5

Script Page

Go to Kithicor Forest. Give the Sealed Box to any of the Dark Elves at the Cabin Ruins to spawn General V’ghera at (827, 2297). These mobs only spawn at night. He hits fairly fast and everything in the cabin will assist when he’s pulled. Bring a lot of friends.

Once he’s dead, loot Generals Pouch.

General has a 25% chance to drop the Cazic Quill used in Step 7.

Kithikor-Map-Rogue-1.0.jpg Kithikor-Dark-Elf-Area.jpg General.jpg Generals-Pouch.jpg

Step 6

Collect these 4 robes (unless you have a Cazic Quill already):

Step 7

Script Page

Move on if you already have a Cazic Quill

Head to West Karana and find Vilnius the Small. He is a Barbarian on a small hill that spawns at night. A brigand takes his place during the day. You do not need to kill the brigand. It will despawn at night and Vilnius the Small will take his place a few (in game) hours later.

Give Vilnius the Small Robe of the Kedge, Robe of the Ishva, Shining Metallic Robes, and Robe of the Oracle to receive Cazic Quill.

West-Karana-Map-Rogue-1.0.jpg Vilnius-the-Small.jpg

Step 8

Script Page

Move on if you already have a Jagged Diamond Dagger

Collect these 4 items:

Give all 4 items to Vilnius the Small in West Karana to receive Jagged Diamond Dagger. See Step 7 for how to spawn him.

West-Karana-Map-Rogue-1.0.jpg Vilnius-the-Small.jpg

Step 9

Script Page

Go back to Highpass Hold and spawn Stanos Herkanor for a final time. Say I need to see Stanos to Anson McBale if Stanos Herkanor is not already up.

Give him:

Very well done. I leave now to confront Hanns with this evidence. Even so, it will not be easy to regain his trust. That is why I need those daggers, in case all else fails. Bristlebane grant me luck - I can no longer live like a hunted dog. In any case, I am grateful for your aid. Take this wretched blade, I can bear it no longer. I must warn you, I feel it carries Innoruuk’s curse; all who are near it learn the meaning of hate. Ironic, isn’t it? You went to all that work to redeem yourself for a rapier, yet the true reward came when you redeemed another. . Good luck, Soandso, for much as I, you will need it.

Receive Ragebringer!

Anson-McBale-Loc.jpg Stanos.jpg


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