20 April 2024

by Xanax

Xanax’s Checklist for Minimal Crashes

I started this because half of my guild seems to crash when they zone in and out of the planes. Everyone is on different pieces and versions of this game. Meanwhile I’ve thrown most of this configuration into 3 different game folders and they all work well, only crashing occasionally when I drop to character select, or if I change my audio output source. 6/15 Update: I think my configuration has only gotten more stable. I haven’t crashed at character select in a long while. My mule’s client is closed when I get home from work maybe once every other week (could be server restart idk). I notice when I duplicate my install folder and user it the first few times it crashes logging into character select or server, like it needs to build a stable cache or something. After about 3 sessions it seems quite stable, used it all day. Still updating to the latest Zeal whenever it’s released. Here’s what I’m using:


  1. TAKP Version 2.2
  2. Antivirus Exclusion
  3. #server-files Patch Files
    • Use the latest patch files from #server-files for the smoothest camera. FPS limiters should be disabled in 2025 and beyond. Extract this file into the root of your TAKP folder, overwriting when prompted.
    • Also make sure TextureCache=FALSE is set to FALSE in your eqclient.ini or you will experience graphical problems. I repatch my global6_chr.s3d with Old Skeleton Models too and sometimes that also fixes some graphical bugs seen like goofy feet and eyes.
  4. Latest Zeal
    • Always run the latest Zeal unless it contains a specific bug. Keep previous versions backed up. If you notice strangeness, you can identify the files and folders from the previous version and delete them from your installation, then install the new ones cleanly. This has been necessary in the past with new Zeal versions and files.
  5. Folder Location
    • Ensure the TAKP folder is NOT in /Program Files/ or /Program Files x86/. Place it in the root of a drive, e.g., D:\.
  6. dgVoodoo Configuration
  7. DirectX 9c
    • Install DirectX 9c. Skip the Visual C download if a newer version is already installed.
  8. Compatibility Mode
    • Run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2). Note: Running as Admin may increase crashes for some users.
  9. 4GB Patch
    • Apply the 4GB Patch to eqgame.exe to allow it to access 4GB of virtual memory on x64 platforms.
  10. /showspelleffects off
    • Edit your eqclient.ini file and set this value to zero ShowSpellEffects=0 or in-game can type /showspell OFF. When using KaichoFX I still see spell effects just fine and the game looks great, so this might also be true without KaichoFX.
  11. Additional Enhancements

If you ask me, 2, 3, and 4 are the biggest contributors to stability. 5 will likely cause a ton of issues I’m told. A lot of people seem to need the dgVoodoo fix though, especially if they have integrated graphics, so thats also important. People swear by 8 as well. There’s a lot of little things you can try and tweak for whats right for your system. Hopefully we can lessen these crashes and work towards fixing the rest over time.