  1. Installing Optional Textures and Effects
    1. Classic HD Textures
    2. EQ Basic 1.1
    3. Old EQ Spell Gems/Particle Effects/Music
    4. KaichoFX Spell Effects
    5. Sound File Fixes
    6. Old Skeleton Models
    7. Kunark Music Mod

Installing Optional Textures and Effects

You can install various texture packs and visual effects to enhance the game’s appearance.

Classic HD Textures

EQ Classic HD is an ongoing project by Cucumbers, Paulgiamatti, Sorn, and Zaela to graphically enhance, upscale, retexture, and reimagine classic EverQuest. They primarily deal with textures, but their package also corrects some minor transparency, particle, and model animation issues.

  • Wiki Link
  • Note: The link contains special instructions for applying these textures to the Al’Kabor Project (TAKP).

To install Classic HD Textures, first make sure you’re downloading the The Al’Kabor Project version. Open the downloaded zip file. The archive contains an installer and uninstaller you can use. Manually, you can extract or copy the .S3D files contained in the EQClassicHD folder to your EverQuest directory (overwrite if you left the old ones in). To uninstall, copy your backed up files back into your EverQuest directory and overwrite. Install and uninstall.bat can be deleted or ignored.

EQ Basic 1.1

EQ Basic is a FULL graphics overhaul of Everquest, specifically for P99 Green/Blue (Classic, Kunark, Velious). This includes all zones, objects, character models, equipment(Including epics), mobs and spell effects!

To install EQ Basic 1.1 download and extract the .7z archive to your TAKP folder, overwriting files when prompted.

Old EQ Spell Gems/Particle Effects/Music

This is everything you can do to get EQ back to as close to a classic feel as possible.

Various installation instructions for the different parts can be found within the Reddit link provided above.

KaichoFX Spell Effects

Kaicho has been working on their passion project, creating new spell effects, particles, and animations for EverQuest. You can find an example during one of his streams here.

To install KaichoFX, download the zip file from the above link. Rename your current SpellEffects folder inside your EQ folder to something like “SpellEffectsBACKUP” to save original copies in case you want to revert back. Create a new folder called SpellEffects inside your EQ folder. Extract the KaichoFX files into your new SpellEffects folder.

Sound File Fixes

This link provides edited sound files to change the volumes of certain annoying sounds like rain and wind/snow. Scroll down to locate khanable’s post.

To install, open your TAKP folder, sort by type. Locate all the EMT files. Move them into a folder to have a backup. Extract the .zip file into your TAKP directory. Log out/back in.

Old Skeleton Models

Simple tool for patching gequip5.s3d and global6_chr.s3d to enable classic EverQuest skeletons. ItsKensterr has provided the patched files here, so you can easily drop into your TAKP installation folder. I still want to provide their original project below.

To install the Old Skeleton Models, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the link above and download the release for your operating system.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Locate the gequip5.s3d file in your EverQuest directory (where you installed the game).
  4. Drag and drop the gequip5.s3d file directly onto the eq_skele_patcher.exe file.
  5. If Windows flags the executable, click “More Info”, then “Run Anyway” to continue.
  6. Locate the global6_chr.s3d file in your EverQuest directory.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 by dragging and dropping the global6_chr.s3d file onto the eq_skele_patcher.exe file.

After following these steps, the Old Skeleton Models will be installed and applied to the game.

Sources: ItsKensterrr ItsKensterrr

This concludes Textures and Effects. Please proceed to Third Party Programs.

Kunark Music Mod

This mod enhances the musical experience in EverQuest by adding music tracks to various zones, particularly focusing on Kunark.

To install the Kunark Music Mod, follow these steps:

  1. Back up all the .emt files in your EQ folder. While the mod should work, it hasn’t been tested in every high-end dungeon. If you experience crashes when entering a certain zone or if you don’t like the changes, you can restore the zone’s original .emt file.

  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file directly into your EQ folder, overwriting all the .emt files.

How it works:

Each zone in your EQ folder has an .emt file that tells the game which sounds to load. This mod includes new music (.mp3 files in a folder called \modmusic) and replacement .emt files that reference these new music files and specify where to play them in each zone.

For those interested in modding:

  • The key is at the top of each .emt file.
  • You can add a new line with a new track.
  • Some settings in the key may not work (e.g., Delayed Repeats don’t function, so everything loops).
  • You can only combine 1 external file with 1 internal .wav file, regardless of whether they’re flagged as music or environment sound.

The music is all under Creative-Commons licenses or otherwise free for non-commercial use. A list of credits can be found in the \modmusic folder. Some tracks have been edited or combined in FL Studio to better suit EverQuest.

Credits: Vaithe and Shendare Thanks: Alaktu
