  1. Step Sub 0 Create a TAKP/Quarm Account
  2. Step 0 Boot into Desktop Mode (Steam Deck/Handheld only)
  3. Step 1 Download/Install prerequisites
  4. Step 2 Install GE-Proton Version(s)
  5. Step 3 Download All Appropriate Files
  6. Step 4 Install Quarm
  7. Step 5 Install Zeal and dgVoodoo.conf
  8. Step 6 PLAY!
  9. Bonus Step 7 Edit eqclient.ini
  10. Bonus Step 8 Import Character Settings
  11. Bonus Step 9 Adopt an actual useable controller profile (Steam Deck)
13 September 2024

by Pastrami

NOTE: If you already have Quarm running on Linux, you still may be interested in Step 8 below that gives instructions on a useable controller format for playing in handheld mode.

Step Sub 0 Create a TAKP/Quarm Account

  1. Guide

Step 0 Boot into Desktop Mode (Steam Deck/Handheld only)

  1. Press Steam button
  2. Select Power
  3. Select Switch to Desktop

Step 1 Download/Install prerequisites

  • Flatpak (Already present on Steam Deck)
  • Lutris (From the Discover store)
    • Start Lutris to Initialize
  • ProtonUp-Qt (From the Discover store)
  • dgvoodoo (Download entire Zip on the top right)

Step 2 Install GE-Proton Version(s)

  1. Open ProtonUp-Qt.
  2. Choose Lutris in the Install for: dropdown
  3. Select Add Version
  4. Choose Wine-GE in the Compatiblility Tool: dropdown
  5. Choose GE-Proton8-7 in the Version: dropdown
  6. Select Install
  7. Repeat the above steps to install GE-Proton8-26
    • I have no idea why this is required, but Quarm won’t install without it

Step 3 Download All Appropriate Files

  1. TAKP
  2. Quarm
    1. Go to Quarm Discord
    2. Go to #server-files channel
    3. Download pq_files_[date].zip
  3. Download the most recent Zeal
  4. Create install script
    1. Open your systems file explorer
    2. Navigate to /home/[username]/Downloads/
    3. Right click
    4. Create New -> Text File
    5. Rename to PQ.yaml
    6. Copy contents below (originally inspired from ahungry)
       id: 0
       game_id: 0
       game_slug: eq-quarm
       name: Everquest Quarm
       year: 2023
       user: ahungry
       runner: wine
       slug: everquest-quarm
       version: Quarm
       description: EQ Quarm Installer
       notes: Installs EQ Quarm
       created_at: 2023-08-08T18:00Z
       updated_at: 2023-08-08T18:00Z
       draft: true
       published: false
       steamid: null
       gogid: null
             version: wine-ge-8-7-x86_64
             dxvk: true
             esync: true
         - client_zip: N/A:Please select your TAKP client zip file (TAKP PC
         - dgvoodoo2_zip: N/A:Please select your dgvoodoo2 zip file/download (
         - quarm_zip: N/A:Please select your Quarm zip file from Discord (
             prefix: $GAMEDIR
             arch: win32
             exe: $GAMEDIR/client/eqgame.exe
             working_dir: $GAMEDIR/client
         - task:
             description: Creating Wine prefix
             name: create_prefix
             prefix: $GAMEDIR
             install_mono: false
             install_gecko: false
         - extract:
             dst: $GAMEDIR/client
             file: client_zip
         - extract:
             dst: $GAMEDIR/dgvoodoo
             file: dgvoodoo2_zip
         - extract:
             dst: $GAMEDIR/quarm
             file: quarm_zip
         - move:
             src: $GAMEDIR/dgvoodoo/MS/x86/D3D8.dll
             dst: $GAMEDIR/client/d3d8.dll
         - move:
             src: $GAMEDIR/dgvoodoo/MS/x86/D3D9.dll
             dst: $GAMEDIR/client/d3d9.dll
         - move:
             src: $GAMEDIR/quarm/eqgame.dll
             dst: $GAMEDIR/client/eqgame.dll
         - task:
             description: Edit registry to set it to use dgvoodoo2 d3d8
             prefix: $GAMEDIR
             name: set_regedit
             path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
             key: d3d8
             value: native
             type: REG_SZ
         - task:
             description: Edit registry to set it to use dgvoodoo2 d3d9
             prefix: $GAMEDIR
             name: set_regedit
             path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
             key: d3d9
             value: native
             type: REG_SZ
    7. Open PQ.yaml and paste
    8. Save/Close
  5. Download custom dgvoodoo conf
    • You can close the Login modal to download if you don’t have a dropbox account

Step 4 Install Quarm

  1. Open Lutris
  2. Click + (Top Left)
  3. Choose Install from a local install script
  4. Select ... and navigate to your PQ.yaml
  5. Click Install x2
    • Make sure Create steam shortcut is checked
  6. Click Continue`
  7. Select ... and choose the appropriate zips for TAKP, dgvoodoo, and projectquarm we downloaded above
    • The file names and version numbers may not match the examples provided in the popup, this is okay
  8. Click Install
    1. Click Install on any additional requirement popups
    2. Once Installation completed! is displayed, select Close

Step 5 Install Zeal and dgVoodoo.conf

  1. Right click Everquest Quarm in lutris
  2. Select Browse files
  3. Replace [quarm-directory]/client/dgVoodoo.conf with the one downloaded in #3.5
    • Select Overwrite option
  4. Double click zeal_v[#].zip we downloaded in #3.3
  5. Drag uifiles from the zip directory to [quarm-directory]/client
    • Select Overwrite option
  6. Drag Zeal.asi to [quarm-directory]/client

Step 6 PLAY!

  1. Right click Everquest Quarm in lutris
  2. Select ‘Create Steam Shortcut`
    • This may take a few tries or require you to restart Steam to take effect
  3. Open Steam
    • Or select the Return to Gaming Mode icon on your desktop if you’re on Steam Deck
  4. Find Everquest Quarm in your library
    • In Non-Steam for the Steam Deck handheld library
  5. Click Play!
    • You MAY need to add ENABLE_GAMESCOPE_WSI=0 to the Options->Properties->Launch Options on Steam Deck

Bonus Step 7 Edit eqclient.ini

  1. Open [quarm-directory]/client/eqclient.ini
  2. Under [VideoMode] change
    • Below is Optimal for Steam Deck, may need different values on other systems
      1. Width=1440
      2. Height=900
  3. Under [Defaults] you can toggle
    1. CombatMusic= to 1 for on, 0 for off
    2. ShowDyanmicLights= to TRUE for the best quality, or FALSE if you notice light flickering
    3. AllLuclinPcModelsOff= to TRUE for Classic models, FALSE for Luclin models
    4. EnableClassicMusic= to TRUE for Classic MIDI, FALSE for MP3s
  4. Under [Defaults] you can set
    1. ClipPlane=20 to set farthest view distance
    2. InspectOthers=FALSE as TRUE can cause a lot of accidental inspections as in annoying

Bonus Step 8 Import Character Settings

Note: This is for players who were playing elsewhere on another device

  1. Via the old device - Open [quarm-directory]/client
  2. Via the old device - Upload [charactername]_pq.proj.ini to a cloud service (like Google Drive)
  3. Via the old device - Upload UI_[charactername]_pq.proj.ini to a cloud service (like Google Drive)
  4. Via linux device - Download both files
  5. Via linux device - Place in [quarm-directory]/client

Bonus Step 9 Adopt an actual useable controller profile (Steam Deck)

Note: I didn’t create this layout. This layout was originally created by Yuuhi for P99, I’ve simply exported it to Quarm. You can read more about this layout via this Reddit post. This profile is AMAZING and really pushes the bounds of what a Steam controller profile can do by exploring layers, hover and radial menus, and providing a ‘touchpad’ keyboard.

Note: As you play and explore this profile, edit it to make different versions and share your different templates with the community!

  1. Open Steam in handheld mode
  2. Navigate to Everquest Quarm in your library under Non-Steam games
  3. If the game isn’t named Everquest Quarm (EXACTLY) then rename it
    • You can rename to Everquest, EverQuest, Project 1999, or EverQuest Free-to-Play to see other appropriate controll profiles, feel free to explore! Mine is just shared under Everquest Quarm
      1. Click Settings cog
      2. Select Properties
      3. Rename the shortcut to Everquest Quarm
  4. Close Properties window (Press B)
  5. Select the Controller icon
  6. Press Up Arrow once to Browse Community Layouts ... above View Laytout/Edit Layout
  7. Hit R1 to Community Layouts
  8. Hit X to Show All Layouts
  9. Press Down Arrow to Pastrami's Layout with workable keyboard (based off Yuuhi's P99)
  10. Press A to Select
  11. Press X to Apply Layout
  12. Boot up the game and play!